AV Roth

AV Roth is a fifth-generation hog farmer. Preserving the land for the next generation is a priority for the Roth family.

Roth Feeder Pigs, Inc. is a fifth-generation farrow-to-wean swine farm in Wauzeka. AV Roth and his wife Christine love to involve their kids in the farm and always stress the importance of taking care of their animals.

Sustainability has been a pillar of the farm since AV’s great-great grandfather began farming the land. At Roth Feeder pigs, it goes beyond caring for the land. They use cover crops and no-till practices to preserve their soil on the rolling hills of Wisconsin’s driftless region.

AV said sustainability means having the ability to pass the farm from one generation to the next. AV wants to pass a profitable farm to his children and their children.

AV said caring for the people and animals he works with is just as important as taking care of the land.

Taking care of the people and treating them well translates into exceptional animal care. A core value at the heart of the team’s success is the care and safety of the animals. Animals that are well cared for are happy, healthy and often times require little to no treatments or antibiotics. Antibiotic use in hog production has decreased by more than 30%, which lessens the cost for the farmer while promoting animal welfare.

Pork producers across the nation are proud to be producing more pork than ever before with less inputs. Swine production uses 25% less water than 20 years ago. AV attributes the decrease in water use on his farm to improved facility management and waterer design. They use a cool cell ventilation system to keep the pigs cool in the summer, requiring less water than a sprinkler system and keeping pigs even more comfortable.

“We are learning what we need to do to help the environment and community,” said AV. “I can’t wait for the next 20 years.”