The tag line for the Wisconsin State Fair is “the best 11 days of summer”, and it lives up to that phrase. The fair is full of tasty treats, exhilarating rides and packed full of Wisconsin agriculture. There is a lot to see over the 200-acre park, but these must-visit stops will make your trip to the state fair one to remember.

Mouth-watering Food

The first stop on the list is to fuel up with some delicious fair food. Each year the Wisconsin State Fair hosts the Sporkies, a fair food competition. You can find this year’s finalists on the Wisconsin State Fair website. This menu even has everything from dill pickle donuts to deep fried apple pie!

Another must stop food destination is the Wisconsin Products Pavillion. This building contains multiple food vendors selling products grown right here in our state. It’s a perfect way to support Wisconsin agriculture and try tasty local products.

A trip to the state fair wouldn’t be complete without the iconic Original Cream Puff. About 400,000 puffs are consumed each year and are freshly made in the Cream Puff Pavillion. Grab one from express stations located around the fairgrounds or see the cream puffs made on site through viewing windows in the pavilion.

Experience Agriculture

During the heat of the day, the fairground streets can quickly become hot and sunny. Take a walk through the livestock barns to cool off and enjoy the shade. Hundreds of livestock exhibitors bring their animals to the fair each year. The livestock range from pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, horses and even rabbits. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn all about their projects! If you’re lucky, you may even catch the exhibitors on show day. Pop in the Case IH Coliseum to watch the animals parade the show ring and see who will take home the champion banner.

If you’re looking for a hands-on agriculture experience, visit the Compeer Financial Discovery Barn. Here you will find more livestock, live hatching chicken eggs, and fun activities to learn all about Wisconsin agriculture. Just across the street from the Discovery Barn lies Dairy Lane, an interactive Wisconsin dairy exhibit. Grab front row seats to watch how dairy cattle are milked and learn how the milk turns into some of your favorite dairy products.

If animals aren’t up your alley, don’t worry, there are plenty of other exhibits to see at the Wisconsin State Fair. Take a stroll through the horticulture, textiles, craft, and culinary exhibits located in Grand Champion Hall. Spark your creativity and admire the beautiful creations of Wisconsin youth and community members. If you’re looking for an outdoor adventure, meander through the Exploratory Park sponsored by the Department of Natural Resources. This trail walk will lead you right to the Master Gardeners Area while learning all about the great outdoors.

Exciting Entertainment

The excitement doesn’t stop on the fairgrounds once the sun sets. Spin City is open to thrill seekers looking to get turned and twisted on exhilarating rides. For a more calming ride, take a spin on the WonderWheel or SkyGlider to catch a view of the entire fairground as it lights up the night. For a more musical route, grab tickets for a concert on the main stage. All information for the concert lineup can be found on the Wisconsin State Fair website.

After an exciting day at the fair, it’s time to head home. If you didn’t get a chance to explore the 200-acre park in one day, don’t worry, there’s 11 days to see all of its greatness. The Wisconsin State Fair has something for everyone. Make sure to take advantage of the agriculture opportunities, catch a few rides, savor all of the delicious fair food, and of course, have fun!

Photos in this article are courtesy of Wisconsin State Fair.